Strawberry Ice Cream


Strawberry Ice-Cream Backdrop is a sweet, bright and delicate pink that falls under the pastel color group. Its warm undertones and soft characteristics make it a great option for creating a romantic atmosphere or making a bold statement.

Pair it with complementary colors like beige, white, and lavender for a balanced effect, or go for a lively palette with turquoise or lime green. For a touch of glamour, add gold or brass accents. Don't be afraid to mix in some bold and bright colors for an energetic and playful photoshoot.

This Super Matte Strawberry Ice-Cream Backer is super silky touch and wax like feel backdrop. This new collection is anti-fingerprint. No more fingerprint on your surface for improved your aesthetic photos.

This backdrop has a high scratch resistance enhancing even more it’s durability benefits.

It is ideal for food, apparels, products and Jewelry photos. Perfect environment for any photo shooting. 

The Backers are waterproof and Food-Safe. Food that has been directly in contact with The Backers can be eaten.

Size : 23 x 23
$77.00 USD
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